Researching Rutland Copyright © Rutland Local History and Record Society - All rights reserved Registered Charity No 700273
Welcome to the Web pages of Rutland Local History & Record Society. The only society for you if your interest is the history and people of England's smallest county, with its Roman and Anglo - Saxon settlements, its castles, its former royal forest, its ancient churches and stone - built villages and its two old market towns. The Rutland Record Society, formed in 1979, combined in 1991 with the Rutland Local History Society, founded in the 1930s, to form the Rutland Local History & Record Society. In 1993, the Rutland Field Research Group for Archaeology & History, founded in 1971, also amalgamated with the Society. The enlarged Society has a world - wide membership. Our Archaeological Group provides opportunities for all members to get involved with real archaeology in Rutland - field-walking, metal detecting, surveying, research, identification, preparation of reports, social events and more. All our society publications are concerned with some aspect of Rutland's history. They are listed and reviewed. Rutland Record ’ is the Society's journal, published annually and free to members. The journal is a unique collection of historical articles about our ancient county. Back copies of the most recent issues are still available, while all out-of-print issues can be read on this website . Are you interested in the history of England's smallest county. Do you have the desire to find out more about your Rutland town, village, hamlet, house or ancestors? If so, why not join us?
Welcome to the Web pages of Rutland Local History & Record Society. The only society for you if your interest is the history and people of England's smallest county, with its Roman and Anglo - Saxon settlements, its castles, its former royal forest, its ancient churches and stone-built villages and its two old market towns. The Rutland Record Society, formed in 1979, combined in 1991 with the Rutland Local History Society, founded in the 1930s, to form the Rutland Local History & Record Society. In 1993, the Rutland Field Research Group for Archaeology & History, founded in 1971, also amalgamated with the Society. The enlarged Society has a world - wide membership. Our Archaeological Group provides opportunities for all members to get involved with real archaeology in Rutland - field-walking, metal detecting, surveying, research, identification, preparation of reports, social events and more. All our society publications are concerned with some aspect of Rutland's history. They are listed and reviewed. ‘Rutland Record’ is the Society's journal, published annually and free to members. The journal is a unique collection of historical articles about our ancient county. Back copies of the most recent issues are still available, while all out-of-print issues can be read on this website . Are you interested in the history of England's smallest county. Do you have the desire to find out more about your Rutland town, village, hamlet, house or ancestors? If so, why not join us ?
Rutland Local History & Record Society
Copyright © Rutland Local History and Record Society Registered Charity No 700273