No 1: Tudor Rutland: The County Community under Henry VIII - Edited by Julian Cornwall (1980)Select to download or read-on-line FOCTranscriptsofthecounty’sMilitarySurveyof1522andtheLaySubsidyof1524,withintroduction.Includeslistsofmenineveryvillagewhowereavailableformilitary service and similar lists of those liable to pay the lay subsidy. - (Hardback, 134pp)No 2: The Weather Journals of a Rutland Squire - Edited by John Kington (1988)Select to download or read-on-line FOCThomasBarkerofLyndonHall,brother-in-lawofGilbertWhite,keptdetailedweather,farmingandcountrysiderecordsforover60yearsinthe18thcentury,whichnow form an invaluable resource for meteorologists and environmental historians. Introduction, commentaries, maps, illustrations, glossary, index.No 3: Stained Glass in Rutland Churches - By Paul Sharpling (1997).Select to download or read-on-line FOCComplete survey and gazetteer of the county’s surviving church glass; introduction; lists of glaziers, subjects, dedicatees, donors, heraldry.No 4: Time in Rutland - By Robert Ovens and Sheila Sleath (2002) Select here to read the reviews;Select to download or read on-line FOCA history and gazetteer of the bells, scratch dials, sundials and clocks of Rutland.DefinitiveworkcoveringeverythingtodowiththemeasurementoftimeinRutland’schurchesanddomesticbuildings,fromsimplesundialstocomplexclocks.Historical introduction,fullgazetteeranddescriptionofclocks,dials,bellsandringingcustoms.Detailsofclock-makers,watchmakersandbell-founders.Many quotationsfromprimary archive sources. Bibliography, appendices and indices.No 5: The Heritage of Rutland Water - Compiled and edited by Robert Ovens and Sheila Sleath (2nd impression 2008)Publishing the results of a Heritage Lottery Fund supported project to study the area of Rutland Water in detail, recording its history, archaeology, people, villages, buildings, landscape, geology and natural history; chapters on the construction of the reservoir, sailing, fishing, birdwatching, flora and fauna; bibliography and index.Select here to read the reviews;Select here to read about the HRW Projector hereto read the book on-line FOCNo 6: Improving Agriculture in Nineteenth Century Rutland:The Life and Achievements of Richard Westbrook Baker (1797 - 1861), Steward of the Exton Estate - By Vanessa DoeSelect to the read the book on-line FOCRWBakerwasthemostimportantandinfluentialimproverofagricultureinRutlandintheearlynineteenthcentury,aperiodofrapidagriculturalchange.Asestatesteward forSir Noel Noel BthebecamealeadingbreederofShorthorncattle,winningmanymedalsandprizes.HehelpedtofoundtheRutlandAgriculturalSociety,designedan improvedtypeofplough,setupploughingmeetings,introducedspadeallotments,andendeavouredtoimprovethelotofpoorfarmerlabourers.This biographyby Vanessa Doe celebrates his achievements and demonstrates the profound effect he had on many aspects of rural life in the county. All orders for publications, with payment in sterling including postage as shown above, and trade enquiries should be sent to:The Honorary Editor, RLHRS, c/o Rutland County Museum, Catmose Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW, EnglandTheSocietycanonlyacceptpaymentforordersbypostbychequeinsterlingmadepayableto‘RLHRS’anddrawnonaUKbank.Ifyouwishtoorderandpayon-lineby creditordebitcard(whetherfromoverseasorfromtheUK),pleasefollowthelinktoGENfair,whereyouwillbeabletodososecurely.Please notethatthepostageand packing charges levied by GENfair may be different from those for sales direct from the Society, and that members' reduced rates are not available through GENfair.
No 1: Tudor Rutland: The County Community under Henry VIIIEdited by Julian Cornwall (1980)Transcripts of the county’s Military Survey of 1522 and the Lay Subsidy of 1524, with introduction. Includes lists of men in every village who were available for military service and similar lists of those liable to pay the lay subsidy.Select to read-on-line FOCNo 2: The Weather Journals of a Rutland Squire - Edited by John Kington (1988)Thomas Barker of Lyndon Hall, brother-in-law of Gilbert White, kept detailed weather, farming and countryside records for over 60 years in the 18th century, which now form an invaluable resource for meteorologists and environmental historians. Introduction, commentaries, maps, illustrations, glossary, index.Select to read-on-line FOCNo 3: Stained Glass in Rutland Churches - By Paul Sharpling (1997). Complete survey and gazetteer of the county’s surviving church glass; introduction; lists of glaziers, subjects, dedicatees, donors, heraldry.Select to read-on-line FOCNo 4: Time in Rutland - By Robert Ovens and Sheila Sleath (2002)A history and gazetteer of the bells, scratch dials, sundials and clocks of Rutland.Definitive work covering everything to do with the measurement of time in Rutland’s churches and domestic buildings, from simple sundials to complex clocks. Historical introduction, full gazetteer and description of clocks, dials, bells and ringing customs. Details of clock-makers, watchmakers and bell-founders. Many quotations from primary archive sources. Bibliography, appendices and indices. Select to read-on-line FOCNo 5: The Heritage of Rutland WaterCompiled and edited by Robert Ovens and Sheila Sleath (2nd impression 2008)Publishing the results of a Heritage Lottery Fund supported project to study the area of Rutland Water in detail, recording its history, archaeology, people, villages, buildings, landscape, geology and natural history; chapters on the construction of the reservoir, sailing, fishing, birdwatching, flora and fauna; bibliography and index. Select here to read about the HRW Project or here to read the book online FOCNo 6: Improving Agriculture in Nineteenth Century Rutland:The Life and Achievements of Richard Westbrook Baker (1797 - 1861), Steward of the Exton Estate - By Vanessa DoeR W Baker was the most important and influential improver of agriculture in Rutland in the early nineteenth century, a period of rapid agricultural change. As estate steward for Sir Noel Noel Bt he became a leading breeder of Shorthorn cattle, winning many medals and prizes. He helped to found the Rutland Agricultural Society, designed an improved type of plough, set up ploughing meetings, introduced spade allotments, and endeavoured to improve the lot of poor farmer labourers. This biography by Vanessa Doe celebrates his achievements and demonstrates the profound effect he had on many aspects of rural life in the county. Select to read-on-line FOCAll orders for publications, with payment in sterling including postage as shown above, and trade enquiries should be sent to:The Honorary Editor, RLHRS, c/o Rutland County Museum, Catmose Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW, EnglandThe Society can only accept payment for orders by post by cheque in sterling made payable to ‘RLHRS’ and drawn on a UK bank. If you wish to order and pay on-line by credit or debit card (whether from overseas or from the UK), please follow the link to GENfair, where you will be able to do so securely. Please note that the postage and packing charges levied by GENfair may be different from those for sales direct from the Society, and that members' reduced rates are not available through GENfair.