Many individuals and groups are researching aspects of the local history of Rutland. Some of these groups are listed on the ‘Rutland Village History Links’ page on this website. However, although the results of this research are sometimes published in one of the Society Publications or as a book or booklet in another way, much remains either on a computer or written on paper with a very restricted audience.The aim of this part of this website is to make such work accessible and to encourage other people to pursue similar research. Each person has given their permission for their research to be put on this website.Do you have documents, information or research relating to the local history of Rutland that could help others with their studies, or, provide information to the many with a more general interest in the County, its towns or villages? Copyright is held by the contributing authors - Please contact the editor
Many individuals and groups are researching aspects of the local history of Rutland. Some of these groups are listed on the ‘Rutland Village History Links’ page on this website. However, although the results of this research are sometimes published in one of the Society Publications or as a book or booklet in another way, much remains either on a computer or written on paper with a very restricted audience.The aim of this part of this website is to make such work accessible and to encourage other people to pursue similar research. Each person has given their permission for their research to be put on this website.Do you have documents, information or research relating to the local history of Rutland that could help others with their studies, or, provide information to the many with a more general interest in the County, its towns or villages? Copyright is held by the contributing authors - Please contact the editor